Author: admin

Commodity Money

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Commodity money is ‘hard money.’ If there was a disaster, and the Federal Reserve dollars we use now have no value, what would you use for money? When economies break down, people tend to move to money that is commodity-backed such as gold, silver, tobacco, tea, corn, jade, rice, and others. Commodity money itself has ….  Read More


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In times of trouble, society invents new forms of money out of necessity. The USA saw thousands of communities use community issued scrip during hard times. During the Banking Panic of 1907, there was a terrible shortage of money in the USA. Instead of general collapse, people found ways to use new forms of money. ….  Read More


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As society grew and became more complex, this arrangement was impractical. One of the innovations was the merchant who opened a general store. He stocked all the things the town might need. The farmers, traders, and homemakers went there to buy and trade items as required – cinnamon, sugar, boots, bread, coats, and canes. Still, ….  Read More


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The energy situation in the USA offers the most significant opportunity in the history of the world. Oil prices are passing records highs, and energy is controlled. Americans are creative, and when faced with a tough situation, they invent and work their way out. Stressful times bring about great innovation.